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  • 1582:Darren McDuffie ventured from job to job looking to find his fit.
Darren McDuffie

Darren McDuffie-

After a promising athletic career ended, Darren McDuffie ventured from job to job looking to find his fit. He landed in the pharmaceutical industry which surprisingly, would be his gateway into the metaphysical/spiritual realm. He visited doctors on a daily basis and noticed some people weren’t getting well even though they were on medication. This started a cascade of questions which would eventually hit home when his mother was diagnosed with cancer. She eventually departed the physical plane in 2005.

After Darren’s mother died, the questions became more intense. He started researching to find answers. The answer came in the form of a book called,”Conversations With God” by Neale Donald Walsh. In the book, the author spoke of manifestation, prosperity, and other metaphysical principles. The book explained spiritual principles but he still wanted to know more.


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