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  • 1887:Robert Clancy is a creative visionary, #1 bestselling author, spiritual teacher and co-founder of Spiral Design Studio
Robert Clancy

Robert Clancy-

Robert Clancy is a creative visionary, #1 bestselling author, spiritual teacher and co-founder of Spiral Design Studio, LLC. At age nineteen, Robert had a divine spiritual experience that altered his life in profound ways. In 2012, he created the ‘Robert Clancy – Guide to the Soul’ Facebook fan page, where he shares his divinely inspired thoughts, now followed by over 640,000 people worldwide. He is a sought after speaker, presenter and guest. Robert is also a regular contributor and weekly guest on Los Angeles KABC Radio’s syndicated Late Night Health Radio show. His latest book Soul Cyphers: Decoding a Life of Hope and Happiness released October 2017 quickly became a #1 international bestseller. As a dedicated life-long volunteer he completely embodies the spirit of service, and he inspires others to do the same. (GuideToTheSoul.com)  (SpiralDesign.com)

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