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  • Akshay Nanavati is now on a Mission to Help our Entire Human Family Build a Positive Relationship to Suffering in Order to Create a Life of Boundless Bliss /Ep2747

Akshay Nanavati is now on a Mission to Help our Entire Human Family Build a Positive Relationship to Suffering in Order to Create a Life of Boundless Bliss /Ep2747

Previous Episode 1402

After overcoming drug addiction, PTSD from fighting the war in Iraq with the Marines (where one of his jobs was to walk in front of our vehicles to find explosives), depression and alcoholism that pushed him to the brink of suicide, Akshay Nanavati has since built a global business, run ultramarathons, spent 7 days in pitch darkness, isolation and silence, and explored the most hostile environments on the planet, from mountains to caves to polar icecaps.

Combining his life experience with years of research in science and spirituality, he wrote a book called “Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear Into Health, Wealth and Happiness.”
About the book, the Dalai Lama said “Fearvana inspires us to look beyond our own agonizing experiences and find the positive side of our lives.” All the profits from the book are going toward charity.

Akshay is now on a mission to help our entire human family build a positive relationship to suffering in order to create a life of boundless bliss.


Listen to another #12minconvo

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