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  • 278: Twelve Minute Convos w/ Joe Bernstein

Joe Bernstein-

Through his sustained weight loss over the years Joe learned that losing and maintaining weight is about so much more than just food and exercise. He is on a mission to help the world understand that hidden inside challenges with food or body is the potential for you to learn and grow in profound ways.

In his practice as an Eating Psychology and Mind-Body Nutrition Coach Joe empowers his clients to work on relationship with food, and body in a unique and nourishing way. He helps people with the skill set and the mind set to adopt habits, beliefs and behaviors that lead to sustainable weight loss and deep internal growth. He focuses on developing self-compassion, confidence and understanding of your unique biology and psychology.

We all need a healthy dose of both science and soul to truly Drop the Armor [ http://www.dropthearmor.com/drop-the-armor-coaching/ ] . To learn more about Joe and his work check out his blog [ http://www.dropthearmor.com ], Join the Drop the Armor Nourishing Wellness Community on Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/groups/DropTheArmorSupport/ ] or take his Free Video Training “How to Overcome Weight Loss Setbacks and Plateaus” [ http://www.dropthearmor.com/free-training-how-to-overcome-weight-loss-setbacks-and-plateaus/ ]


Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/dropthearmor/

Website- http://www.dropthearmor.com

Twitter- https://twitter.com/joebernstein81

Future Episode 2417

Listen another #12minconvo

Musical Background: ‘TAKE THE CHANCE’ by Nicolai Heidlas

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