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  • 1598:Andy Stetzinger has been podcasting for about 17 years – since before it was even called “podcasting”
Andy Stetzinger

Andy Stetzinger-

Hi I am Andy Stetzinger. I was born and raised in South America, a military brat moving every 2 to 3 years to a new country.
I’ve been podcasting for about 17 years – since before it was even called “podcasting”, and have been doing it full time since March of this year.
I run the Orlando Area Podcasters meetup group, consisting of about 300 members. We meet monthly and discuss podcast related issues. New technology, trends, shows we have found – and then we dive into any issues people are having and attempt to solve them. I’ve helped countless people launch their shows through the meetup, and greatly enjoy doing it.
I have a small “micro-studio” where I produce content for 7 different shows, ranging from Gaming, Scam Awareness to a short Dental podcast.

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