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  • Alena Chapman is a Soul Nurturer and two-time International Bestseller /Ep2162

Alena Chapman


Not just a Thought Leader or Spiritual Transformational Leader. Alena Chapman is a Soul Nurturer whose company “Chapman Life Institute” works with clients to identify what they really want to achieve in life. Alena is a TWO Time Inter- national Bestseller, has more than 30 years of deep study with Bob Proctor and Dr. Wayne Dyer, and has created a truly remarkable community on Facebook for anyone to join called Savvy Sisterhood. Alena’s new book ‘The Prison Effect’ is available with gifts on alenachapmanlife.com. Also enjoy ’30 Minute Moments with Alena’ on WoWo.com or your favorite IPod platform. Give yourself a little ease and betterment each day or week. To learn more about Alena Chapman visit alena360.com.


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