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  • 44:When Dave Chesson is not playing dress up, or scaring the Bogey man out of a closet, he is a Kindlepreneur and Online Marketing ninja
Dave Chesson

Dave Chesson-

Dave Chesson:I am first and foremost a Husband and a Father. But when I am not playing dress up, or scaring the Bogey man out of a closet, I am a Kindlepreneur and Online Marketing ninja.

I got my first taste of online marketing about 3 years ago. I started with niche websites and immediately fell in love with the Search Engine Optimization game. From there, I spent hours upon hours researching and improving my game to include SEO, website development, social media marketing, online video marketing, and a whole lot more.

But it wasn’t until I starting publishing my own books, that everything just started to come together. Seeing amazing success by linking my online marketing skills to my self-publishing endeavors, I created a consistent steady stream of sales that have made my a CONSISTENT #1 best-selling author on multiple different topics.

In that 3 year period, I now own 27 websites, 7 published books, and multiple youtube channels. But my greatest project is Kindlepreneur.com.

Kindlepreneur is  Dave Chesson’s flagship where I do everything possible to show self-publishers how to harness teh power of the internet to not only help them sell more books, but also build their author name brand.

Don’t believe me, check it out: http://Kindlepreneur.com

Remember, you don’t have to be a best author to make it….you just have to be a best ‘SELLING’ author.


Future Episode 2385

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