Dr Shelley A Stravitz-
For over 25 years, Dr Shelley A Stravitz has developed a consulting practice across the U.S. and worldwide that offered autism education, collaboration and support for parents, clinicians and educators toward autism optimal outcomes. She never worked directly with any of the children–except her own–coming from a deep knowing that when parents release their fears, nothing is more powerful to create change than their unconditional love for their child. They can then become their child’s best experts and help their child to develop through education that meets their child’s unique ASD profile.
Extensive health evaluation research of her developmental and relationship-based program in 2015 became Dr. Shelley’s catalyst to launching Parents As Partners: The Autism Educational and Change Network.™ This non-profit 501(3)c web-based platform will offer “user-friendly” education so that every family touched by autism–no matter where or their circumstances–has 24/7 free access to the man recovery!
From pre-pregnancy on through young adulthood, we HAVE changed the autism paradigm. The 42+ free-access and downloadable multimedia foundational classes put the ability to help their own children into the hands of parents, who CAN reverse the ever-rising numbers of children with autism. Children with autism are recovering!! The common factor is highly involved parents empowered by understandable education.