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  • 1111:Dawn Hafner worked over the past twenty years in the financial industry, leading teams, coaching employees…

Dawn Hafner, CPA, MBA, CPC, QPA

I’ve worked over the past twenty years in the financial industry, leading teams, coaching employees, and providing client service. In addition to my writing and coaching, I am COO and shareholder at Kidder Benefits Consultants, Inc.

I write my own posts about topics that inspire me to be my best self and achieve presence. I also do many posts that are book summaries. I’ve found that many people are interested in the topics I study, but they are not necessarily flush with time to read. I try to help by offering book summaries of key points I learned and sharing.

Over my career I have had one theme that has helped me find success and balance.

BE Where You Are.

I latched onto this phrase to guide my choices when I became a mom and struggled to balance work, parenting and time for self.  BE Where You Are means to  embrace where you are in this current moment.  We can only focus on what we are doing in the moment. Once we learn how to fully submit to the present, we can evaluate, and guide our compass towards where we want to arrive in the future.

BE Coaching – when you are ready to give yourself the gift of focusing on your dreams.

We all came here for a reason.  Our main purpose is to find that reason and share it with the world. The truth that is already deep within you and has been since before the day you were born. All you have to do is get out of your own way.

Home — Dawn M. Hafner

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