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  • 1108: Shannon Elhart has a different approach to living a happy life

Shannon Elhart

Shannon Elhart has a different approach to living a happy life. She believes you need to dive into your pain (rather than avoid it) to find true, lasting joy. After her newborn’s death, she had a defining moment when she realized she had choice – let that pain define and limit her, or heal it consciously.

Shannon chose to heal, and by doing so she – surprisingly – found more pain from her past: from being raped as a teenager, from addiction to alcohol, from divorce, and from a lifelong struggle with a lack of self-worth.

As she healed more and more, she became happier, more confident and fulfilled. Now she teaches people worldwide how to heal the pain from their past in her program The Healing Journey . You can learn more about Shannon and her program by clicking  HERE

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