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  • 1118:Lindsay Weldon is a public speaking & theater coach that teaches teens…

Lindsay Weldon

Lindsay Weldon is a public speaking & theater coach that teaches teens how to leverage theater techniques in their speaking so they can become more confident communicators, find their unique voice, and expand their future personal & career opportunities.

She’s recently created online coaching programs with focus on teaching her students how to start sharing their unique legacy early in life through magnetic performances that resonate with their audiences’ needs.

Through her website, TheaterThinking.com, she shares blog posts and resources, for parents and educators looking to support their youths’ creative speaking & personal development.

She enjoys sharing her story about how taking drama classes at a young age helped her to learn the communication and mental skills necessary to thrive–despite years of school bullying and an emotionally abusive home life. Her work aims to create a generation of confident teens who know their worth, how to connect face to face, and who know failure is a pit-stop on the path to success. She does this by speaking, writing, coaching, and hosting workshops about creative communication, dismissing the negative voice your head, and making failure part of regular family culture.

When she’s not helping her clients to create a healthy relationship with public speaking, she can be found playing “hide-the-cup” with her 3 sons and husband or teaching them improv games over dinner.


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