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  • Charla Anderson has made it her life’s mission to help others live a satisfied life of Complete Peace & Joy /Ep 2871

Charla Anderson has made it her life’s mission to help others live a satisfied life of Complete Peace & Joy /Ep 2871

#12minconvos Website Picture Charla Anderson

As a published author, speaker, coach, Zig Ziglar Legacy Certified trainer, and serial entrepreneur, Charla Anderson has made it her life’s mission to help others live a satisfied life of Complete Peace & Joy.  She is a former award-winning 34-year flight attendant, mother, grandmother, world traveler, Olympic Torch bearer, Collector & Connector of fascinating people; her plethora of life experiences, training and wisdom are catalysts for your desired growth.  She’s with us here today to share about being Outrageously Courageous with Bold Faith, NO fear.

 Who’s CharlaA Anyway?

As a published author, speaker, intensive personal development coach, Zig Ziglar Legacy Certified trainer, and serial entrepreneur, Charla Anderson has made it her life’s mission to help others live a satisfied life of Intentional Significance.  As a former award-winning 34-year flight attendant, mother, grandmother, world traveler, Olympic Torch bearer, Collector & Connector of fascinating people, her plethora of life experiences, training and wisdom are catalysts for your growth.  With her newly launched ‘YOUR Courageous Coach’ program, you will develop the Bold Faith Courage, to stand in your Authority in order to live a life of Peace & Joy.  In one of her forthcoming books, you will learn about her first-hand Bold Faith Courage experiences as she was robbed at gunpoint, stepped towards the gun, and said, “You need Love!”… and they ran!!! 

Her book, Candy Bar Hugs~It Doesn’t Take Much To Make A Difference!, is now a Movement.  Join us on http://www.Facebook.com/CandyBarHugs to share how you Bless and are Blessing others with small kindnesses.  Find out more at http://www.CharlaAnderson.com  (currently working on updating my site)

Contact:  Charla Anderson; 817-808-7703; Charla@CharlaAnderson.com

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Engel Jones

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