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  • Cate Montana is the author of Apollo & Me and the originator of an entirely new genre in the Mind, Body, Spirit arena /Ep2539

Cate Montana-

Cate Montana is the author of Apollo & Me and the originator of an entirely new genre in the Mind, Body, Spirit arena: spiritual fiction. She is author of the non-fiction titles: The E Word: Ego, Enlightenment & Other Essentials (Atria 2017) and Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within (Watkins 2013) and co-author of The Heart of the Matter (Hay House)..The former editor of the Bleeping Herald newsletter for the hit indie movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? Cate has a master’s degree in psychology and writes and teaches about the divine feminine, gender healing, ego psychology, transpersonal and transcendent consciousness and quantum physics. She also writes for the UK magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You. She lives in Hawaii.

Time Stamped Show Notes:

Snippet of Cate’s previous episode [00:30]
How are you doing? [01:02]
What’s new in your world? [01:42]
Is your latest book, Apollo And Me, available on amazon? [02:22]
Where were you located when you began writing this? [02:40]
How has Psychology helped you across everything you’ve been doing from now to then? [03:32]
Talking about how the heart responds to any situation [04:38]
How have you evolved spiritually? [05:21]
On being present [06:19]
Talking about common sense approach [07:25]
On understanding womanness. [09:24]
Where is the best place to connect with you? [10:57]
How do you interact with the conversation of death? [11:05]
In closing, is there anything else you’d like to share with our amazing audience? [12:15]


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