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  • 1872:Capri MaHaffey, CEO and founder of “Tha GLUE and caPri
Capri MaHaffey

Capri MaHaffey-

Capri MaHaffey, CEO and founder of “Tha GLUE and caPri. Musical Motivational Movement!”, Capri believes that everyone has a divine purpose in life regardless to their station in life. Her work resonates with the lives of teens and young adults in the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexual (LGBTQIA) community; Capri wholeheartedly believes in meeting everyone right where they are and “GLUE” them up! The acronym GLUE is God Loves Unconditionally Everyone. Capri believes it is our duty to Give Love Unto Everyone…leading to her signature saying “That’s GLUE Baby.!!!”

Capri spent 7 years working in the mental and behavioral health field provided Capri with the capacity and insight to relate to those affected by mental illness. Capri served United States Air Force, four years of active duty two years in the Air Force Reserves and the Air National Guard.

For Further Insight:
Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thatsgluebaby

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