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  • 1782:Angel Ribo is an International Speaker and the Preeminent Advisor to CEOs.
Angel Ribo

Angel Ribo-

Known as The CEO Confidant, Angel Ribo is an International Speaker and the Preeminent Advisor to CEOs. Both Established Entrepreneurs and Corporate CEOs hire Angel to bridge the Gap Globally for Expansion and Exposure because they have limited themselves to their immediate market, their own backyard, so Angel helps them understand, discover and design a plan to go into International markets. There is a Science and a Secret to taking things Global, and That is his Mastery.

In a nutshell, this is what Angel helps CEOs do:

  1. Identify the Top Cultural differences to Conduct business in that Area,
  2. Find the right Local partners to go on this journey together with,
  3. Learn the Most important local Business Development strategies tactics that they have to use to generate Revenue in that Country.

In the last 19 years, Angel has helped more than 1,500 CEOs in 33 different countries. He was born near Barcelona, and he has lived in 8 countries and speaks 5 languages fluently.

Angel is now based out of Texas, where he cares for his family and runs his Business. Early in 2017, he launched his International Foundation, Wisdom for Kids, and he has helped hundreds of Underprivileged Kids in Latin America become Entrepreneurs using their Local Resources.

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