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  • 945:Valerie Young says millions of people secretly worry they’re not as intelligent or capable as others see them

Valerie Young-

What if you could help those you lead, teach, or serve to:

• STOP holding back due to needless self-doubt
• GO for more challenging assignments/promotions/opportunities
• FEEL and ACT more confident

These results have become a REALITY for my clients in the US, Canada, and Europe.
I’d like your organization (or YOU) to get these same results.

You see, millions of people secretly worry they’re not as intelligent or capable as others see them. It’s called the Impostor Syndrome. And it hurts individuals AND the bottom line.


❶ Corporations
❷ Higher Ed
❸ Associations
❹ Professionals & Entrepreneurs
❺ Charitable orgs


My signature keynote is called:

“How To Feel As Bright And Capable As They THINK You Are: Why Capable People Suffer From Impostor Syndrome And How To Thrive In Spite Of It”

This interactive, often humorous, surprisingly upbeat, and always practical message has been delivered to over 80 THOUSAND people!

Contrary to what psychologists say, you can’t share your way out of impostor syndrome.

Confident people aren’t more intelligent, capable, or talented. The only difference is they think different thoughts. Period.

My Approach: “If you want to stop FEELING like an impostor, you need to stop THINKING like an impostor.”


I’m not a psychologist or an academic. So when I speak to…

LEADERS/EMPLOYEES: I do so as a former Fortune 200 company manager who knows how self-doubt hurts individual performance AND efforts to attract, retain, and advance bright people

STUDENTS: Having earned an advanced degree I get what they’re up against

ENTREPRENEURS: I know how confidence holds them back because I’ve coached thousands of self-bossers

WOMEN: I literally wrote the book on this topic

ANY AUDIENCE: I put impostor feelings in a social context based on years in the diversity field


Listen another #12minconvo

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