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  • 1256:Tina Murray has been designing lives for over 30 years.

Tina Murray-

Tina Murray has been designing lives for over 30 years.

As a commercial interior designer, ‘Tina supported companies and individuals through cultural change, as they made alterations to create the environment they wanted.  Her understanding of human interaction and how people think, feel, interact, react and behave allowed her to manage the inevitable disruption brought about when we decide to overhaul our environment.

Today, ‘Tina empowers successful men and women to harness their ‘interior’ to Create the Life they Really Want. She understands that all good design is tailored specifically to the needs and wants of the individual, and encourages her clients to look inside to create their own unique blueprint as they design, communicate and live their best life.

‘Tina’s book, Design® You: Create the Life You Want, Design You® Workhops and Create the Life You Want monthly events liberate her clients to find the clarity and purpose they need for personal fulfillment and the strategic skills to revolutionise their life from living by default to living by design.

‘Tina can be reached at http://www.tinamurray.com or https://www.facebook.com/TinaMurrayInsideAngle


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