Terry Maxwell-
Terry Maxwell has spent a large portion of her life running and creating businesses. She has lived in Spain, London and the Netherlands. She has just celebrated her seven-year anniversary with her husband Jake. Terry and her husband enjoy estate sales, travel, museums, theatre, opera, and walking their dog and two cats. She is currently enjoying her involvement with lineage and antique groups. Her first book, “More Than My Share of Pain…25 Years In An Abusive Marriage and How I Got Out”, became a best seller as soon as it was available on Amazon. This is a first of a series of books about her life, which she is writing in order to help others survive and get through the insidious and devastating effects of verbal abuse.
She is currently writing her second book entitled “Walks with McDuff…Healing My Inner Child Through Mindfulness and Meditation.”
To get information about upcoming books and events, please go to https://terrymaxwellblog.wordpress.com or send her an email at authorterrymaxwell@gmail.com.
Listen another #12minconvo
Musical Background: ‘TAKE THE CHANCE’ by Nicolai Heidlas