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  • 475: Twelve Minute Convos w/ Tameka Anderson

Tameka Anderson-

Tameka Anderson is an author, court-appointed special advocate for youth in foster care, specialty foster parent, and sits on the Governor’s Board of Children & Family Services Task Force team. She is a kids coach (aka “Child Whisperer”) and self-confidence mentor for professional moms and has coached moms for years to build confidence, boost performance and increase happiness in their children. Tameka Anderson born and raised in Chicago IL, now resides in Atlanta GA. Have three biological children ages 21, 17, and 7 and one foster child age 7.

I started Create It Kids Club where I teach children how to boost confidence to be the best version of themselves to excel in school and life. My why is because I was a foster child and no one thought enough to teach me how to be confident in who I was so I struggled a lot in school and life when I didn’t have to had I only had the skills to believe in myself.


Listen another #12minconvo

Musical Background: ‘TAKE THE CHANCE’ by Nicolai Heidlas


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