Stacey Lynn
Stacey Lynn spent several years doing end of life care and hospice work. She worked alongside the Alzheimer’s Association and studied neuroscience. She has helped and continues to help many people leave this world peacefully. Often, she would talk to the person who was dying about their life and what they enjoyed. Inevitably, regrets would come up.
The regrets usually focused on the things they wished they would have done with their life.
“I wished I would have done what I wanted to do instead of what was expected of me.” “I wished I would have loved more.” “I wish I would have let myself be happy.” One that still runs deep is hearing a patient say, “I wish I would have let myself be loved.”
From this work she understood that her passion for human beings needed to be focused more toward the people who are still living. She saw first hand the suffering people experienced from not doing with their life what they really wanted to do. She was inspired to continue her training to help people re-pattern their lives so they could live fully and not leave this world filled with regrets.
She started working with coaches and mentors in different fields and this work deeply changed her life. She still does. Working with the right people can rapidly transform circumstances and experiences.
Empowered World was born with the desire to help people live the opportunities in their own lives.
The truth is that most people never learn to live and spend their lives being both afraid of life and afraid of death. Stacey encourages people to move through the fears of achievement, living and also of dying. She teaches about the relationship to life, the living world, in new ways that empower a person.
Stacey is certified in Energy Medicine. She studies Shamanism, Sound Therapy, and Breath Work for healing. She has studied the work of Napoleon Hill, T Harv Eker and John C. Maxwell, to name a few. She has trained at the Firewalking Institute of Research and Education. (The same organization that trained T Harv Eker and Tony Robbins) She has worked with the worlds top speaker trainers, including Joe Williams. (Tony Robbins Speaking Trainer) She trained with Get Life Coaching in Delaware.
She holds empowerment seminars and presentations. She has assisted hundreds of people transform their lives. Her genuine and real way of being present allows individuals and groups to have powerful transformations. She is a Repatterning Specialist, Executive Firewalk Instructor, Intuitive Empowerment Coach, Author and Speaker.
After a spontaneous awakening over 12 years ago, Stacey has focused her life to support the quality of life for human beings. People are her passion. She understands deeper wisdom and applies this to her work and to daily life. She is focused on helping people embody the changes they want to see in their lives.
Stacey works to transform and motivate using traditional and non-traditional means. She brings a wealth of diverse knowledge to the table and this enables her to reach people with different learning strengths. Whether it be one on one sessions or presenting to a group she is effective and provides a new, visionary view of life.
She can be reached at: Stacey@Empowered.World
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