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  • 996:Shelsey Jarvis helps female online entrepreneurs who are desperately trying to make their business work

Shelsey Jarvis-

Shelsey Jarvis helps female online entrepreneurs who are desperately trying to make their business work, but it just doesn’t seem to be coming together.  We don’t talk much about their strategies though; because that’s usually not where the problem is.

It’s all between the ears.  

I give them the tools and support to dig under the surface of their conscious mind to find the sneaky limiting beliefs that they didn’t even realize were THERE, but that have been keeping them from the success and lifestyle that they’re working so hard for. Basically, I help them work less, have more fun, and earn more.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 7 years, and for most of that, I made it a LOT harder on myself than I needed to.  Ridiculously long hours, phone practically surgically attached to my hand (even during dinner).

In my quest to get more productive, I discovered spirituality.  The problem I kept running into was that most of the books and resources I found didn’t tell you what to actually DO.  So in my head, I was like, “Okay, this all sounds great, I’m on board, I believe it works….but what do I actually DO??”  

“Set intentions”, “Align yourself with the universe”, “Balance your chakras”….WTF?  I didn’t understand the lingo.  I wanted to, but I just didn’t get it.  

So after spending a LOT of time figuring it out and diving into it like my life depended on it (it kinda does, actually), I was able to create techniques and processes so that the left-brained part of me could get on board.

Pretty soon, I was manifesting things with such regularity and appeared to be so “lucky” that my friends started saying, “You have GOT to teach other people how to do this!”

So here I am.  Helping other female entrepreneurs manifest, clear money blocks, and work less while getting more traction.

When I’m not teaching women to make the universe their new BFF, I’m usually hanging out with my family (hubby and two freakin’ adorable young kiddos) or playing music (I’m a really good singer and a really average guitar player).


Listen another #12minconvo

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