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  • Shelley Grierson, UK based digital marketer, originally from New Zealand and host of LinkedinLadies in the UK /Ep2191

Shelley Grierson 

Shelley Grierson is a UK based digital marketer, originally from New Zealand. Shelley also works with Linkedin Local to provide networking events that put faces to the profiles of the people we connect with on Linkedin. She is the host of LinkedinLadies in the UK, which is an initiative put together to support, encourage and mentor more women into leadership roles within business.

Shelley took a fews off life (a few years ago) and swapped the rat race for a life working and living on private superyachts around the world. In her spare time, Shelley drops the digital stuff and likes to head outside. Running, bike riding and country walks through the English countryside are a weekend pastime, and overseas travel and exploration to new places and cultures is a regular feature!

@ ShelleyGTweets

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