Ron Tester –
Ron Tester says, I started my first company in 2001. When I first started, I thought we would get customers easily because of our superior service. We built a better mousetrap… and nothing happened. I soon realized that I needed to come up with a better way to get the word out, so I watched what my competitors were doing and did the same. The results were inconsistent and often abysmal. Imagine the pain of having a high-quality commercial produced, running the ad during your target audience’s favorite shows, and not getting a single phone call as a result. A five figure failure.
Disappointed but undeterred, I committed to figuring out really worked for marketing my company. I wasn’t interested in any marketing that wasn’t going to result directly or indirectly in paying customers. Instead of just guessing, I began experimenting; tracking my results, stopping what wasn’t working and doing more of what was. What I found, besides more customers, revenues, and profits, was peace of mind.
Things were going so well that friends started asking me if I could help them with their businesses. Some were established businesses that needed help getting new customers. Some were new businesses with small marketing budgets that couldn’t afford to waste time and energy on marketing that wasn’t going to pay off. I found that the lessons I had learned in my own business were helping other businesses grow better, faster, without all the pain I had been through. Now helping others build their businesses is one of my favorite things to do.
Listen another #12minconvo
Musical Background: ‘TAKE THE CHANCE’ by Nicolai Heidlas