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  • Renée Suzanne is a coach for smart, successful women who want to find love /Ep2628

Renée Suzanne- 

Renée Suzanne is a coach for smart, successful women who want to find love. She helps women go from heartbroken to happily-married. She believes that true love is possible for anyone who’s willing to create the conditions in her life for it to flourish.

She’s been featured in The Huffington Post, Glamour, and Tiny Buddha.

When she’s not saving women’s love lives you may find her curled up on the couch with her dog Fang and a good book or out on a hike with her husband.

Her two books, “Beloved – How to go from relationship challenged to relationship ready” and “Ten things you can do to upgrade your love life” are available on Amazon. She also has over 150 inspiring videos on her YouTube channel

Want more love in your life? Check out her free audio course at reneesuzannecoaching.com.

You can also follow her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/reneesuzannecoaching/.


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