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  • Rachel McGehee is an Energy Healer based in the city of Atlanta /Ep2460

Rachel McGehee- 

Rachel McGehee is a musician, healer and business owner. She is a co-founder and the Connection Catalyst at Rebel + Connect. Rachel is the co-founder of Remote Leadership Summit, a retreat and conference bringing together remote leaders from around the globe to connect and share their knowledge and skills. She is an events and travel specialist, with experience organizing company retreats, intimate music and mediation events, TEDxAtlanta events, and international personal development events with attendance of over 15k. Rachel is an energy healer based in the city of Atlanta and is very connected within the local artist and healing community.

Time Stamped Show Notes:

How are you doing? [00:50]
Are you still doing what you were doing around the travel industry? [01:05]
Where is the best place to go find out more? [02:08]
On personally connecting with people [02:45]
On constantly travelling [04:18]
On The World Venture Foundation [05:11]
How has doing what you’ve done, educationally, connect with what you do today? [07:04]
Have you had a conversation with death? [09:02]
In closing, is there anything else you’d like to share with our amazing audience? [10:20]

Contact Rachel:

Previous Episode 262

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