Peter Fritz-
Peter Fritz is a 49-year-old writer, photographer, podcaster, Web designer and online entrepreneur. He runs a site called Midlife Tribe and a podcast called Midlife Mastery. Together, they inspire us to avoid (or crush) a midlife crisis so we can get on with reinventing ourselves and enjoying more freedom, purpose and authenticity in our lives.
Peter delivers a blunt assessment of the issues, obstacles and opportunities mid- lifers face, from basic money worries to not having enough time, right through to the dreaded midlife crisis. Using real-life stories of failure, triumph and field-tested ideas, he offers a guiding hand, a touch of wisdom, and the occasional kick in the butt – all with the noble objective of helping us to master our time, our money and our life.
Launching his first business at the age of eight (making and selling letter openers fashioned from six inch nails), he learned to drive a year later and was busy designing his ideal life well before leaving school (leaving midway through class as it turned out). He sought financial independence and a solopreneur lifestyle but some brutal lessons (of the financial kind) and two divorces almost destroyed his dream.
He eventually made it through his own midlife crisis and his practical insights and usable tips now resonate with men and women everywhere, as they blaze their own trail to a better life. As Peter says, “Our time is right now, and if you’ve just hit your middle years, this, believe it or not, is the very best time to make your life exactly the way you want it!”