About Penny Zenker
Penny Zenker is known as "The Focusologist." Penny Zenker (aka The Focusologist) is an international speaker and one of America's leading experts in the psychology of productivity to eliminate distraction, perfectionism, and self-sabotage...
…She will help you and your organization own your focus and grow further faster.
By the time she was thirty-one, Penny founded, developed, and sold her first multi-million dollar business while living in Zurich, Switzerland. Later at the world’s 4th largest market research company, she managed business unit turnarounds. Penny also served as a Tony Robbins business coach, guiding entrepreneurs globally to double their businesses.
Her book, The Productivity Zone, was an instant Amazon bestseller, and her TEDx talk, “The Energy of Thought,” has had over 1 million views worldwide. Her new book, The Reset Mindset, will be published in September 2024. Penny has been featured on NBC News, Forbes, Inc., ESPN, Wharton Business Radio, and many more.
Find out More: Website
Watch my TEDx >1M View: The Energy of Thought