Patty DeDominic-
Patty DeDominic : When the road from where you are to where you want to go looks long and arduous, you need a guide who has traveled that path. If you are a CEO seeking to expand to the next level—and beyond—Patty DeDominic can get you there. She has walked that road herself, knows where the pitfalls are, and has established a network of resources that can assist in smoothing the way.
Patty DeDominic is a seasoned professional in taking companies from startup to successful sale. Whether catapulting mid-sized corporations into billion dollar enterprises, doing mergers and acquisitions, enhancing clients’ R.O.I., and boosting the effectiveness of leadership teams, she has been there. But before she could do that, she earned her place in the global market by building her own startup from zero to 600 employees, acquiring two other firms, and then successfully selling the company for millions.
Over the course of her career she has collaborated and established relationships with world leaders like Jane Goodall, universities and several presidents of the United States (from both parties) and their families. She has served on numerous non-profit and corporate boards, including Chair of the L.A. Chamber of Commerce and Chair of the SCORE Foundation, the $7 Billion Insurance Fund and is President Emeritus of the National Association of Women Business Owners (Los Angeles).
She has received outstanding recognition and honors including Los Angeles Business Journal’s 2006 CEO of the Year award, USC and AT&T National Supplier of the Year, Department of Labor and United Nations for outstanding practices and Employer of the Year.
Patty DeDominic built her stellar career helping high achieving individuals and companies, from startups to billion dollar US Corporations, meet and exceed their objectives. Where do you want to go?
“Only he that has traveled the road knows where the holes are deep.”
— Chinese Proverb
Listen another #12minconvo
Musical Background: ‘TAKE THE CHANCE’ by Nicolai Heidla