Pat Armitstead-
Over the past 20 years she has given her highly educational and entertaining presentations into both the business and health sector- on topics such as “Mental Health in the Workplace”, “Stress, humour and health” , “Authentic leadership, self expression and productivity” , and “ Storytelling and Engagement in the workplace”.
A master storyteller she combines Positive Psychology principles, Emotional Intelligence, and Neuroscience with real human experiences to bring understanding and meaning to life events.
Pat sees crisis as a catalyst for personal growth and ongoing transformation, enabling high levels of intimate communication and authentic expression.
Time Stamped Show Notes:
How are you doing today? [01:10]
Please update us. [01:45]
Did your specially stem into mental illness? [02:49]
The degree to which we support others is the degree to which we support ourselves, is this something you ensure doing and now able to helps others with? [03:36]
Are you still helping build transformational speakers? [05:11]
Where is the best place for someone to connect with you? [06:04]
Do you have any regrets when you look back? [06:28]
Is your radio show still going on? [07:14]
In closing, is there anything else you’d like to share with our amazing audience? [9:24]
[…] Future Episode 2430 […]