Nikki Arnold
Nikki Arnold, author and motivation coach, has just earned the highly coveted Amazon International Bestseller status with PositiviThink™:How to Thrive, Not Just Survive.
Nikki Arnold is a world-renowned author, speaker, motivator and coach. She specializes on helping people to focus on the positives and make the most of their lives by pursuing their “BHAGs,” or Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals. Now, Arnold’s latest book, PositiviThink™: How to Thrive, Not Just Survive, has just become a new Amazon International Bestseller. Additionally, the author is offering several free benefits, including a copy of the book, through her website.
According to Arnold, those who experience deep disappointment, stress over finances, struggle with relationships or suffer in negative working environments can benefit most from the book. She mentors and coaches individuals who want to follow their dreams and live a more fulfilled life, but PositiviThink™: How to Thrive, Not Just Survive will allow her to share her knowledge and advice with a much wider audience than her smaller coaching circle allows.
Arnold hopes that the book will allow readers to break the cycle of going through the motions and still failing to reach their highest potential. Through the power of positive thinking, readers can learn to conquer limitations, resolve inner conflict, empower themselves, and change their mindsets to see things from a different perspective. Her coaching and mentoring focuses on using positive and affirming thoughts and actions to achieve a better, happier life.
According to Arnold, “It’s amazing, once you have planted that seed and given someone more knowledge, resilience, confidence, and self-belief, that you find you are helping them remove baggage, self-doubt, and pre-determined thoughts to change their situation, follow their dreams and goals, and live a more fulfilled life.” For a limited time, Arnold is offering a free copy of her book, a $32 value, to visitors on her website at In addition, she is offering a free “How to Live Your Best Life and Thrive Consultation at
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