Nicole Swiner-
Nicole Swiner, MD/AKA DocSwiner, is a family physician, author, speaker, wife and mother of 2 in North Carolina. She loves taking care of the family as a whole—from the cradle to the grave. Her medical interests include Minority Health, Women’s Health and Pediatrics. For her undergraduate education, she attended Duke University and went to medical school at the Medical University of South Carolina, in Charleston, SC. She’s lived in the Triangle since finishing residency at the University of North Carolina and continues teaching medical students and residents as an Adjunct Associate Professor with the university’s Family Medicine department. When she’s not treating patients at Durham Family Medicine, she’s speaking in the community, writing, or spending time with her family. Her passion is making medicine “plain” to her patients, so that all people, from all walks of life, can understand how to take better care of themselves and their families.
Her first book, How to Avoid the Superwoman Complex is both a labor of necessity and of love for Dr. Swiner, as she started writing shortly after residency and starting her practice as a family doctor. The superwoman (or superman) complex is the false belief that one person can be all things to all people, perfectly. It can have devastating effects—emotionally, mentally and physically. She hopes this book will serve as a guide for recovering superwomen (and supermen) everywhere to avoid said negative effects, and to make it a little easier and less stressful to take care of one’s self and family.
Her second book (coming Summer 2016), The Superwoman Complex: A Follow-Up Visit, is a more in depth look into how we fix the issues identified and defined in her first book. It serves, chapter by chapter, as a handbook for fixing the Superwoman and Superman Complex.
Since 2009, she has been speaking locally and nationally for organizations, groups, high schools and universities about stress management, health matters and self-care. She does weekly broadcasts online and on Periscope entitled “#WellnessWednesdays,” that are interactive and live. She also does a monthly, interactive broadcast on with special guests. She enjoys helping others and doing events in a Q&A format to allow people to ask those “stupid” questions they may be afraid to ask anyone else.
Along with speaking and teaching, she added self-publishing consultant to her list of duties, as friends and colleagues around her became inspired to write and publish themselves. Through Swiner Publishing Company, she serves as a liaison and “accountability partner” for those wanting to follow in her footsteps to begin a new career in book writing, marketing and speaking.
In January 2016, she launched her inaugural women’s health conference, called “New Year, New You,” and hosted a sold out crowd filled with 20+ vendors, live music, over 14 speakers, 2 panel discussions and give-aways. She hopes it will be the first of many.
She can be contacted and all other information is available on
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Musical Background: ‘TAKE THE CHANCE’ by Nicolai Heidlas