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Mimi Lee –
Mimi Lee began her stint in the financial services world in mid-2003, as an outside-sales agent with Clarica (Sun Life), on the insurance side. A life-changing experience charted the course for her passion in the industry, and today, she holds her own practice under the name – TruFinancial Consultants.
Mimi’s actual involvement in the industry, however, could be traced back to her work history in Hong Kong, as an editor for the financial newspaper Economic Times, and as a moderator with a stock forum at the time – This is where Mimi got her first taste of the investment world, and developed a knack for ‘blogging’ about hot topics related to the stock market, as she pursued every financial lead, hot off the press. Much of this passion can still be seen today, off her website at, where she uses Twitter daily to share her thoughts on the latest financial trends, and to keep her clients updated on hot topics in the investment world.
Today Mimi successfully holds portfolios for a wide cross-section of clients, helping them get out of debt, keeping them debt-free and planning for their savings and retirement. She has an endearing quality that helps her connect with people on a very basic level, and is a trademark signature of hers, which keeps her clients continuously interested in her sound financial advice.