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  • 1489:Michael Michelini hosts a weekly podcast GlobalFromAsia.com
Michael Michelini

Michael Michelini-

Michael Michelini: Currently building a new e-commerce brand live on our weekly E-commerce series – every Friday at 2 pm China time zone. Tune in at https://www.globalfromasia.com/ecommerce-series/

American social media & e-commerce specialist being China since late 2007, I’m passionate to help companies do business in Asia leveraging the power of content marketing and e-commerce. I host a weekly podcast GlobalFromAsia.com to help businesses understand how to do business in China and other parts of Asia. After years of hosting the blog and podcast, we now have an Asia business marketplace, GlobalFromAsia.com/market to help to make doing business here as easy as buying online.

While I originally to source products for my e-commerce business – over the years I’ve transformed into working with Western companies market entry into China, as well as assisting Chinese entrepreneurs to reach their goals & take chances to build their own business.

Currently, 100% submerged into e-commerce marketing & sales – China and USA. Building supply chain, growing web traffic, & building product brands for a network of products and services.

Specialties: I have worked for e-commerce and web design companies – I have built supply chains with international companies. My view of international business is that the world is flat – and the trend is only to continue – and we are still in the infancy. My prior experiences, my love for experiencing international cultures all qualify me as a business consultant in the internet and e-commerce industry between China to the world.

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