Mark Hardcastle-
Mark Hardcastle: In one life I’ve flown commercial jets all over the world helping people engage in life, carrying hundreds of thousands of passengers to weddings, funerals, business meetings and resort vacations!
In another life I’ve worked successfully as a real estate investor and agent, helping friends and family members realize their dreams of being part of the real estate world.
And in yet another life I’ve worked with musical organizations, singing the great repertoire, and teaching children to sing at the highest levels.
And my latest life has seen me write a book that asks, “How do you respond when life challenges you with difficult times?” You haven’t heard of the book? It’s called, The Symphony of Your Life: Restoring Harmony When Your World Is Out of Tune. You can check it out on Amazon. It’s available in hardcover, paperback, or your favorite e-book format.
Finally, I support the book with a speaking business where I take that question, “How do you respond when life challenges you with difficult times?” to schools, civic organizations, and clubs of any size.
For information, drop me an email to