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Kate Green
Kate Green: I’m the Quality Architect at Upside Travel. I’m very interested in solving challenging problems and building teams to be their best. I also love software testing and making products that are easy to use for both customers and engineers. I operate at the intersection of people and technology and you’ll find me questioning how technology is the best solution to the problem at hand. I’m empathetic, detail-oriented, and an out-of-the-box thinker.
With a BS in Elementary Education, learning and development are central to both my personal growth and also to how I work with teams. I’m especially interested in the process of becoming an expert. My approach to software engineering is people-based. I want to know how people will use my solutions and will eschew technology solutions if they add too much work for users. In my spare time, I’ve gotten very good at many skills, including music, running, dog training (especially agility with my cattle dog Reba!). My two young sons don’t know just how much of my education background I use on them every day.