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  • Jules White is an International Sales Coach with over 30 years experience

Jules White

Jules White is an International Sales Coach with over 30 years of business and sales experience. Her ‘Live it Love it Sell it’ methodology helps passionate entrepreneurs and businesses get clarity on their ‘why’ and learn how to sell in an authentic human way that creates amazing results without the need for pushy sales techniques or any questionable tactics.

She brings great experience with her talks having won investment in the Dragons’ Den from Peter Jones for her business ‘Truly Madly Baby’ – the reason she is known as the ‘real dragon slayer!’

She is a regular public speaker covering sales, business and life subjects and her TEDx talk, to 1500 people at Europe’s biggest TEDx in Brighton this year, focused on there being ‘no such word as can’t’. Inspiring everyone to know that you can do whatever you want to. A legacy given to her by her father who she lost in 2015.

Jules hosts a regular podcast called ‘The Human Conversation’ which is on iTunes, Spotify and Soundcloud, and her first book was published on October 1st 2018… Live It, Love It, Sell It, which highlights the three main areas she believes are integral to successful sales (and therefore to building a profitable business). This book draws on both her passion for selling and her love of human conversation, as well as years of experience in both corporate sales and as an entrepreneur.

Jules’ ultimate aim is to make sure everyone falls in love with sales because life skills are sales skills!

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