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  • 1596:After a catastrophic car accident, Joe Pinella was diagnosed quadriplegic…
Joe Pinella

Joe Pinella-

After a catastrophic car accident, Joe Pinella was diagnosed quadriplegic… and told by doctors that he would never walk again. But, against all odds, Joe Pinella used the ancient Chinese healing techniques of Qi Gong and Tai Chi Kung to relieve his pain, regain his strength… and train his body to move again!

Instructor Joe Pinella has studied and practiced the ancient Chinese healing arts of Qi-Gong and Tai Chi Kung for over 50 years. As a youngster, he had the unusual opportunity to study in a Chinese Buddhist temple in NYC. At the formal request of a family friend who was a monk, Joe was accepted as a student and taught in the traditional Chinese manner.

Life happened. Joe went on to become a successful businessman. Sometimes he practiced, sometimes not. He did not realize the amazing gift he had been given until later when he was put to the test.

This test came in 1991 when his car plunged 200 feet down a mountainside and he landed on his head.
His doctors saved his life. They completely removed two shattered vertebrae and four disks. Every other disc in his spine was ruptured. They inserted metal plates in his neck and told him that he was a quadriplegic.

He ignored the advice of his medical team to “accept his fate and learn to be a disabled person”. Joe turned back to his training in Qigong. These gentle arts use breathing techniques, graceful movements and visualizations to stimulate and enhance the flow of qi (or life force) in the body, which in turn promotes healing and health.

Joe did those exercises in his mind for many months until gradually his body started to respond. Over the course of seven years, he regained full use of his body with no pain and no limitations.

Today he teaches others how to move freely without pain.

Website: http://www.JoePinella.com

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