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  • 1089:Jennilynne, Founder & Conscious Creator of Access Your Genius, is lit up about education


Jennilynne, Founder & Conscious Creator of Access Your Genius, is lit up about education in all sorts of arenas, but not in the traditional sense. The root word of education, “educo”, actually means “to draw out”. And that fits beautifully with her take on education….the belief that not only do we have all our own answers inside of us, our bodies also have the remarkable ability to heal from the inside out. And that “interesting point of view” has been precisely what led her to incorporate the tools of Access Consciousness® into her facilitation, coaching and personal transformation practice.

She enjoys providing Bars® & Body Reactivation sessions for her clients, intuitively communicating with their bodies to transform many areas including money, relationships, business/ career, body changes and more. These sessions have been used to activate bodies to create more ease with PTSD, cancer, pregnancy and more. One Body Reactivation session that many clients enjoy is the Access Energetic Facelift™, which can reverse the appearance of aging on the face and body.

Jennilynne especially enjoys facilitating BARS® classes, an 8 hour opportunity to learn how to gift and receive the Bars®. Anyone can learn the Bars®, including kids! Many chiropractors and massage therapists choose to learn to Bars®, as they report it has improved the lasting effects of their adjustments and massages. As a Certified Bars® Facilitator and an approved NCBTMB instructor, massage therapists receive 8 CEUs for completing this class.

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