Jennica Maxfield-
A single mom to four amazing teens, Jennica Maxfielf stumbled upon the idea for her company, An Extra Set of Hands, while nannying for a family as she was trying to figure out what to do with her life. Putting her many years of experience raising kids and running a household to use in helping other moms find their sanity again in their own homes has proven to be one of the most unexpectedly rewarding and fulfilling endeavours she could have hoped to pursue. The company has grown to a staff of six over the last year as Jennica’s expertise and vast knowledge of how to help families has created an incredibly powerful niche service.
In addition to managing her company, Jennica also devotes a portion of her time to teaching workshops and coaching women on weight loss through intuitive eating after dropping 85lbs using this method. She released her book “Easier Than You Think: weight loss through intuitive eating” in May of 2017.