Jason Freeman-
Jason Freeman is on a mission. That mission: to speak to millions of people in his lifetime. Why? Well, as it turns out, transcending the physical limitations of a speech impediment and coordination differences, stemming from being born with cerebral palsy, weren’t the hardest things he had to overcome. His hardest obstacle was prevailing against the mental anguish of self-hatred and shame he developed surrounding his body and voice.
Today Jason considers his cerebral palsy a gift. Calling cerebral palsy a gift might seem like a huge stretch but for Jason, this is precisely what he grew to appreciate it as: a profound gift that allowed him to chart a profound course in life. In addition to realizing his dream of becoming a professional speaker (yes, you read that correctly), writing a memoir/self-help book entitled “Awkwardly Awesome – Embracing My Imperfect Best” and delivering a meaningful TEDx talk, Jason travels the country, speaking about his experience overcoming both physical and perceived limitations as a way to excite and encourage his audiences to break through the barriers of their own limitations using a method he created, called “doing your Imperfect Best”.
Time Stamped Show Notes:
What’s new in your world? [01:34]
Where can we go to find out how we can get you to speak? [02:12]
How have you seen what you’ve been doing Impacting on others? [03:28]
You spoke about contentment, what it means to you now? [04:30]
Are you still doing Yoga? [05:06]
Do you have any regrets when you look back from now to then? [05:44]
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our amazing audience? [08:19]