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  • 1291:Ira S Wolfe is a TEDx Speaker and President of Success Performance Solutions
Ira S Wolfe

Ira S Wolfe-

Ira S Wolfe has emerged as one of HR’s most visionary thinkers in managing the convergence of the tired, the wired, and technology. Described as a “Millennial trapped in a Baby Boomer body,” Ira is a TEDx Speaker and President of Success Performance Solutions, a company that provides a portfolio of employee assessments as well as recruitment software and consulting. He is a prolific blogger, contributing writer, podcaster, and author.  His first book The Perfect Labor Storm launched him onto the national stage which was followed by Geeks, Geezers, and Googlization. His 2016 TEDx Talk Make Change Work for You became the inspiration for his latest book Recruiting in the Age of Googlization: When the Shift Hits Your Plan.  He writes frequently for Forbes, CornerstoneOnDemand’s ReWork, Huffington Post, Lehigh Valley Business Journal, Business2BusinessMagazine, and several regional and industry business journals. He has appeared in INC Magazine, Fast Company, American Express OPEN, Business Week, NFIB, Inc., Intuit Small Business and Fox Business.


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