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  • 1220:Greg Johnson – AKA @RecruitinGreg – your friendly neighborhood recruiter

Greg Johnson-

Hi! I’m Greg Johnson – AKA @RecruitinGreg – your friendly neighborhood recruiter. I’ve made thousands of calls – sent thousands of emails – read hundreds of blogs – watched just as many videos – practiced well over 10,000 hours – all in the name of helping hundreds of people find jobs they love.

Regardless of the stigmas that are put on the staffing industry I LOVE what I get to do on a daily basis. I’ve been unemployed and know how much that can suck. My whole goal is to do what is right. Not by whatever metric is put in place to say if I’m successful or not – but by the people that I speak to and work with in the tech space.

Admittedly, I am very quirky. Which works perfectly for the people that I represent because we’re all basically a bunch of nerds.

My passion outside of my traditional 9-5 (more like 7:30AM to 5:30PM and then from 9PM-midnight but that’s a different story) is to coach people on how to stand out in the industry. By doing that I’m able to improve the lives of not just the people that I employ – but also our veterans, women in or trying to break into tech, as well as the underrepresented – underpaid – undereducated in the community.

Through User Groups, Meet Ups, and conversations over a delicious cup of caffeinated goodness or a plate of food, I hope to destroy diversity gaps within my sphere of influence. If that’s something that you want to jump on board with then reach out with an invite to connect or with a message telling me how you want to get involved.

Follow me on:
Podcast: “Dawn of the Devs”
Twitter: @RecruitinGreg
Instagram: @RecruitinGreg
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMVsIdHejes2g3MLen82n9g

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