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  • 1541:Greg Friel does a weekly podcast show called “The Friel Thing”
Greg Friel

Greg Friel-

Greg Friel was born in Ireland. Grew Up in New York. But now lives in Glasgow, Scotland.

Greg’s background is as a Singer, Songwriter, Composer and Record Producer.

He has worked on a variety of musical projects all over the world. From LA to Nashville, to Amsterdam and Germany.

He now works as a Motivational Teambuilder creating teambuilding and leadership projects for businesses using Music.

He does a weekly podcast show called “The Friel Thing” (Rhymes with Real Thing!) talking about self-development, motivation, teambuilding and leadership.

He also hosts a monthly podcast show called “Buzzin About Business” discussing the latest trends in business and social media.

His website is http://www.frielancemusic.co.uk

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