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  • 115: Twelve Minute Convos w/ Greg Boudle
Greg Boudle

Greg Boudle-

Greg Boudle: I’ve been labelled by others my entire life. At the age of 12 it was “class clown”. I’ve been called a jock, geek, rock star, and ladies man. And these labels don’t even scratch the surface of what some of those closest to me have called me. From the time I was 12, I was drinking and drugging – and as you know – it brought me to my knees. To my lowest low. From businessman to thief. From sitting in an office to sitting in a cell.

Then in 2012, I took on a new label: Recovering Addict. I got clean with the 12 steps….and then I had to conquer one of the hardest tasks.

What comes next?!?

At every meeting I went to, in every article I read, every mentor I reached out to – there were no spotlights on how to create my most amazing life. The possibility that I, and all the recovering addicts, would once again be rock stars – confident, happy, successful – wasn’t even whispered. Instead it felt like we were doomed to this label, this history. It was time to step out of the church basements and into the 5 star convention centers; move beyond just clean and sober into CLEAN AND SUPER.

I’m here to shout it from every stage I stand on, in every coaching call I have – you are not someone else’s labels. Your whole life is still in front of you, regardless of your age. That is why I created Live Beyond Clean: Transforming Your Tomorrow.


Listen another #12minconvo
Musical Background: ‘TAKE THE CHANCE’ by Nicolai Heidlas

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