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  • Fabienne Raphaël helps aspiring and underpaid coaches become highly paid experts by building their coaching business and live their true purpose /Ep2592

Fabienne Raphaël-

Fabienne Raphaël is a business building coach, speaker and podcaster. With her one on one coaching and retreats, she helps aspiring and underpaid coaches become highly paid experts by building their coaching business and live their true purpose.

Her background in radio and television hosting allowed her to conduct unique interviews on her top-ranked

Marketing to Crush your Competitors podcast, where she has broadcasted  300 episodes. Through the course of her career, she has even hosted her own TV show.

Fabienne has also shared the stage with John Lee Dumas, Chris Brogan and  Sue Zimmerman, and spoke at the last New Media Europe conference in London.  She has been featured in Forbes, ABC, FOX, CBS, Inc. and Huffington Post and has appeared on over 30 podcasts, such as  CopyChief Radio and Entrepreneur on Fire.

As a former elite athlete and physical therapist, Fabienne brings a high level of energy, radiance and authenticity to lead her clients to a thriving business that meets their expectation.

Last but not least, Fabienne was an athletes’ mentor with the Canadian delegation at the 2019 Pan-American Games in Lima, Peru.

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