Eva Yoo-
Eva Yoo is originally from Seoul and now works as a writer at TechNode. In the past she wrote with Korean tech media platform beSUCCESS, and has spent time with dozens of entrepreneurs in both Silicon Valley and Tel Aviv reporting on tech culture in the world’s biggest innovation hubs.
Eva Yoo previously served as a marketing manager at Korean startup Nalebe, she also participated in the StarTau Entrepreneurship program in Israel and published 11 startup video lessons with Startup consultant Emma Butin. As part of the business business development team at NewsJelly, she won the first place in the Silicon Valley Korean startup Demo day after a three month accelerator program in Rocket Space.
Eva is a frequent speaker at Shanghai (Burberry, Rotary Pagoda, Jipyung lawfirm) and Korea (Korean VC community, Korean angel investors organization, Startup Alliance, KT, NEOWIZ and D.CAMP) and writes her startup stories in Israel, Silicon Valley and China on her blog EvaNote. She also hosts a YouTube channel, ISUP, where she has interviewed dozens of tech-preneurs.
In the past Eva has also volunteered in Ecuador as a Korean language teacher, and speaks Korean, English, Spanish and Chinese.