Elizabeth Sacco
Elizabeth Sacco, mom of 4 boys, conceived, developed, and patented Diabetic Dabs® after her son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and there was no safe or appropriate method of wiping away the blood after each glucose test. Designed with an adhesive backing the dabs can attach to the testing kit or any ideal place, so they are always there when you need them! Dabs® are booklets of highly absorbent, convenient, non-toxic wipes that provide a simple, fast solution for blood removal and disposal. Soon Liz realized anyone could benefit from her tear off wipe, not only for blood removal and disposal but as a quick wipe for any mess. Now as the company continues to grow they are excited to expand outside the diabetes space and show the world all the different uses of dabs! Tiny wipes A million uses!
Which of your talents is responsible for us meeting? [00:44]
Who did you learn this skill/ability from? [03:53]
What is one thing you’ve done consistently over the last 3 years? [04:41]
How does it make you feel? [05:05]
What is your earliest childhood memory? [07:12]
Why do you think this memory is so clear? [07:43]
What was your favorite song when you were twelve years old? [09:30]
Declaration Time – [10:00]
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-sacco-4b96a94a
Twitter: diabeticdabs