Don Armstead-
Founder of DWA Foreign Missions, Don is the Overseeing Pastor of Greater St. Mark Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas. Focusing primarily on the people of the Philippines, he has built relationships with other believers in various other nations (via direct contact, mutual relationships, Skype video fellowships and social media).
DWAFM subsequently receives invitations from those other nations (Pakistan, India, Uganda, Spain and France) to minister, strengthen and reinforce new and established ministries.
Don has also published his first ebook, “Processed For Progress”, an encouraging read for navigating through the storms of life. It’s a simple but powerful read because Don wanted it to be a good read for people whose first language is not English.
As a vital part of his local church family, Don continues to provide leadership as Overseer and Pastor of
Administration and Education as well as serving as Minister of Music. He is greatly missed when he goes into his missionary travels. He is thankful for the strong leadership provided by his two siblings, Pastor V. M. Smitherman and Asst. Pastor Dr. J. M. Green.