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  • 1781:Debbie Hoffman is America’s foremost authority on follow-up
Debbie Hoffman

Debbie Hoffman-

Debbie Hoffman is America’s foremost authority on follow-up and founder of the breakthrough training company, Power-Up Your Follow-Up.

She works closely with entrepreneurs and network marketers who aren’t getting enough clients because they’re not following up effectively. She helps them create a step by step follow-up system for their business so they can convert more prospects into long-term clients without being salesy.

Debbie was a successful investment banker with 20 years experience as Managing Director for Wall Street firms. Her extraordinary organizational skills were instrumental in building prosperous business relationships resulting in sales of over $25 billion. She also has extensive experience as a network marketing entrepreneur, having built an international team of several thousand consultants. Debbie has authored a new book highlighting her proven follow-up system due out in 2018. Her website is http://www.powerupyourfollowup.com.

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