Dave Jackson-
Dave Jackson : I’ve been podcasting since April of 2005. My podcast about podcasting has been downloaded over 1 million times (as of 2014). I’ve helped hundreds of people launch podcasts. You can hear my podcasts on this site as well as powerofpodcasting.com, morepodcastmoney.com, weeklywebtools.com, logicalloss.com, feedingmyfaith.com, growyourchurchshow.com, marketingmusician.com
To hear what my client say, please visit my testimonial page. When you Google Podcast Coach you will see my reputation places me on (or near) the top of the list.
How Dave is Different
Unlike many other “geeks” who know how to podcast, I’ve been a technical trainer for over 20 years. This means I not only do I understand the technology but I can explain it in a plain English “geek-speak free” environment . I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the University of Akron (Specializing in technical education). While there are other podcast consultants, I believe my experience sets me apart in regards to helping you make sense of the entire podcasting process. I not only help with the “how,” but I also help explain the why, and make sure you avoid the common podcasting pitfalls. I have won awards at fortune 500 companies for my customer service. In a nutshell, I care.
I am one of the top podcast consultants, and I have spoken at many marketing and media conventions including New Media Expo, Blog World, Erma Bombeck Writing Workshops, Podcamp Columbus, Podcamp Cleveland, Podcamp Cincinnati, and the Business of Writing Summit. I am the author of the book “More Podcast Money.”
In 2014 I was named the Director of Podasting for the New Media Expo the top event in the industry.
Listen another #12minconvo
Musical Background: ‘TAKE THE CHANCE’ by Nicolai Heidlas